INTENTOS FALLIDOS PARA ABRAZARSE / FAILED ATTEMPTS TO HUG EACH OTHER México, 2024 TRAILER Synopsis: Two brothers, estranged for years due to superficial disputes, face the impossibility of sharing their first Christmas after their grandmother's passing. A hybrid portrait of the impact of time on family relationships and the limits of reconciliation. Dirección / Director: Sergio Díaz Ochoa Producción/ Producer: Isabel Barajas, Sergio Díaz Ochoca Fotografía / Cinematography: Melissa Nocetti Guión / Script: Sergio Díaz Ochoa Edición / Editing: Macarena Hernández Abreu Diseño Sonoro/ Sound Design: David Muñoz Velasco Compañía productora / Production Company: Imperio Cine Reparto / Cast: Andrés Torres Orozco Alejandro Flores Carlos Orozco Plascencia |